Friday, January 16, 2009

Hunters B-Ball Team

This tuesday there was a home JV game against Lake George which ended badly.

The game started off with a jumpball which was won by the famous Hunter Werner, know for his height.

Tip Off Pictures, Images and Photos

The game was off to a slow start but Lake George was winning 7-4 early first quarter.

But Warrensburg wasn't far behind during the first quarter until Lake George started to break away.

But then Lake George was really starting to beat on the Warrensburg JV team.

Warrensburg Coach Reynolds told the team to get back to the basics and play help defense.

Defense Pictures, Images and Photos

Then during the second half of the game Lake George took out their starters which gave Warrensburg some room to work with.

After this Warrensburg started to score some baskets here and there.

But the final score ended up being 78-19 resulting in a loss by Warrensburg.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Trip to Europe

This christmas I went on an EF educational tour guided trip to Rome and Paris.

The trip started in Rome for 3 days and we saw many interesting things like

The Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain, Rome Pictures, Images and Photos

The Vatican City

vatican city Pictures, Images and Photos

We went there on the last sunday of the month so the we got to see the pope come out onto his balcony.

Then we went to see the Coliseum

The Coliseum in Rome Pictures, Images and Photos

We went to see the Roman Forums

Roman Forums Pictures, Images and Photos

Then we took a night train to Paris and we saw the Eifel Tower

eiffel tower Pictures, Images and Photos

We went to see the Luve

pyramid at the louvre Pictures, Images and Photos

And the last thing we did in paris was go to Versailles

versailles Pictures, Images and Photos

we celebrated new years and then we went to the airport for our 8 hour flight home

Monday, December 15, 2008

Senior Room News

The worst has occured in the senior room last week.

The X-Box 360 was running as normal when it struck.


RROD Pictures, Images and Photos

The red ring of death is the worst thing that can happen to an X-Box.

Once this happens you your system is pretty much fried and needs to be sent back to microsoft to be fixed.

Now we need to find a method of fixing the system or paying for it to be fixed by microsoft.

red ring Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, December 5, 2008

Senior Room During Christmas

The Senior's this year have decided to get with the holiday spirit and spice up the senior room.

The first addition to the senior room was the christmas tree with lights brought in by Noah Davis.

christmas tree Pictures, Images and Photos

Another addition to the senior rooms list of holiday spirit is the christmas chain that was made to count down the number of school days left until christmas vacation.

Paper rings Pictures, Images and Photos

The senior room is lookin very festive this year.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Senior Room News

Today was the first day back to the senior room after the five day Thanksgiving break.

The senior room was as normal as any other day, as if it was never left.

The same people that come in every day were there playing COD5.

During 5th period Travis Acuna (screenlooker) and Erica Gussow played a game of COD4 against Devin Scherrer and Jen Durkin.

The game didn't turn out too well for Travis because it is difficult for him to screenlook on "shipment".

I found a video on youtube of a collection of COD4 gunshots put together to make sort of a techno music. Here it is.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Senior Room News

Today in the Senior Room there was a few matches of Soul Caliber 4.

Soul Caliber 4 Algol Pictures, Images and Photos

Soul Caliber 4 is a two person fighting game much like Mortal Kombat.

The game to someone who has never played it before might seem like a button mashing game.

now he is mashing the button like mad. Pictures, Images and Photos

Soul Caliber is actually quite a fun game for two people to play.

In order to be truely good at the game though you need to learn some of the combos and throws because it is very hard to win a fight just on button mashing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Senior Room News

The Senior Room today once again, just like most other days had a distinguished smell of cheese and milk.

Spoiled Food 9-16-08 Pictures, Images and Photos

Since whatever the food that is hidden had most likely been sitting in the senior room since before the weekend it started to become spoiled and give off an unpleasant smell.

Also today, Colin Campbell brought in the newest edition of Mortal Kombat.

wallpaper_mortal_kombat_shaolin_monks_09_1600.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

Obviously since Mortal Kombat is well known as one of Colin Campbells favorite games he beat everyone who played him today.

The new Mortal Kombat was said to be a fun game but I find it very unlikely that it will ever replace the Call Of Duty games in the senior room.