Friday, November 21, 2008

Senior Room News

Today in the Senior Room there was a few matches of Soul Caliber 4.

Soul Caliber 4 Algol Pictures, Images and Photos

Soul Caliber 4 is a two person fighting game much like Mortal Kombat.

The game to someone who has never played it before might seem like a button mashing game.

now he is mashing the button like mad. Pictures, Images and Photos

Soul Caliber is actually quite a fun game for two people to play.

In order to be truely good at the game though you need to learn some of the combos and throws because it is very hard to win a fight just on button mashing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Senior Room News

The Senior Room today once again, just like most other days had a distinguished smell of cheese and milk.

Spoiled Food 9-16-08 Pictures, Images and Photos

Since whatever the food that is hidden had most likely been sitting in the senior room since before the weekend it started to become spoiled and give off an unpleasant smell.

Also today, Colin Campbell brought in the newest edition of Mortal Kombat.

wallpaper_mortal_kombat_shaolin_monks_09_1600.jpg Pictures, Images and Photos

Obviously since Mortal Kombat is well known as one of Colin Campbells favorite games he beat everyone who played him today.

The new Mortal Kombat was said to be a fun game but I find it very unlikely that it will ever replace the Call Of Duty games in the senior room.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Senior Room News

The newest addition to the senior room is Call Of Duty 5 World At War.

cod5 Pictures, Images and Photos

The new game brought in many people who wanted to see what the game was like.

I believe that everyone was happy with the new game.

This edition has much more blood and is extremely violent.

One of the new features is the flamethrower gun that you can unlock on Live.

Call of Duty: World at War Pictures, Images and Photos

If you get a
3 Kill Streak you can get Radar
5 Kill Streak you can get an Artillary Strike
7 Kill Streak you can Call in the Dogs

The new game is set back during the time frame of World War II. So this means that the guns aren't as advanced looking but they appear to be quite similar to the COD4 guns in how they work.

Call of Duty World at War Pictures, Images and Photos

The gun pictured above is believed to be the equivalent to the P-90 of COD4.

The game is overall a good game and will be a good new addition to the senior room.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Senior Room News

Richard Bonk was supposed to have picked up the newest edition of Call Of Duty last night but he was unsuccesful in doing so because he went to walmart where they didn't have the latest version yet.

The new Call Of Duty 5 Game would have been a nice addition to the list of games in the senior room.

call of duty 5 Pictures, Images and Photos

Call Of Duty 4 is starting to become boring and repetative using the same maps over and over every day.

We need some new maps, new guns and new challanges.
COD 4 Pictures, Images and Photos

COD5 is rated to be one of the best games ever created along with COD4

Hopefully COD5 will soon become the newest edition to the senior rooms list of games.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Senior Room News

The Senior Room had a peculier smell today.

It may have been the fact that half of the kids who hangout in the senior room don't take care of their hygiene.

smelly kid Pictures, Images and Photos

Also someone left an empty milk carton in the drawers that hold the extra games and paddles.

Although the carton was empty it still had a residue of milk in it which over time begins to mold and give off a smell that noone likes.

During 5th period today there were so few people that the X-Box360 was not even being used.

Guitar Hero Star Pictures, Images and Photos

I took advantage of this opportunity by playing guitar hero 3.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Senior Room News

This week in the senior room the addition of the strobe light was taken away because some people pointed the light into a teacher across the halls' room.

This light in the teachers eyes distracted him and angered him so he took the light away.

Another incident in the senior room was when someone put up a sign saying "Kate K. Stay Out... Seriously".

Keep Out (Authorized Personnel Only) Pictures, Images and Photos

Later in the day another sign was posted saying some mean things and using choice words that described her a not a very nice person.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Senior Room News

The Senior Room has a new addition to the lighting system.

I brought in a Strobe light to add a twist to our gaming experiences.

The Stobe Light\'s Flashing Pictures, Images and Photos

This will hopefully make it difficult for people to concentrate while they play games.

Today was just like any other day though in the senior room.

There was some Call Of Duty 4 being played (which is always won by Bonk) and some Mario Kart on the Nintendo Gamecube.